This is where common questions that are asked about Michelle are answered.
Some are common trivia questions to know about Michelle.
This is also where you will find all items given to Michelle by people who have been in her life.
What is it that Michelle has on her head?
Michelle normally is always seen with a headdress or as some say "antlers" on her head, if she doesn't have her antlers she normally has a beanie.
What was Michelle's first horse in New Alexandria called?
Michelle's first horse in New Alexandria was named Brownie.
What is Michelle's Full Legal name?
Michelle's full legal name is, Michelle Roseline Ferguson Alvarez.
She recently became an Alvarez when the adoption of Michelle by Pedro and Melody Alvarez was approved on April 23, 1901. (OOC Date was April 23, 2022)
How come Michelle's mother isn't in the picture?
Her mother was murdered on November 16, 1899, in New Orleans. This caused Michelle to move to New Alexandria to find her father, Bobby Ferguson.
What is the wooden carved deer head around her neck?
It was a gift for christmas given to her by her father when she was 16, on the deer head it would have "Smalr Birna" which means Little Bear in old norse.
How old is Michelle?
Michelle is currently 18 years old.
Why does Michelle not shoot any black bears?
She refuses to shoot black bears because back when she was 16 and first moved to New Alexandria, she compared the black bears to herself saying they were only little bears and some of the could possibly be motherless like herself.

Little Wolf Plush, missing it's left eye and looks old.

Improved Bow

Wooden carved deer head necklace around Michelle's neck.

Navy Revolver